June 17, 2019
Atsuo Kuroda
As the Chairman and CEO of Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your continued support for our business operations.
Since the establishment of the trade and investment insurance system in 1950, NEXI has been contributing to the sound development of external transactions by providing exporters and investors with security through our insurance products that protect them against the risks caused by uncertainty of exporting/investing to other countries, which cannot be covered by private-sector insurers.
Meanwhile, in addition to further enhancing the system, new product development and quality of our service, we took proactive initiatives in organizational restructuring in order to keep pace with changes in the ongoing global political/economic conditions and financial markets and to meet the changing needs of industry.
In April 2001, NEXI, an incorporated administrative agency, was established to reinforce the system with a high degree of specialization, and provide efficient, high-quality insurance services. Then, in April 2017, NEXI was transformed into a stock company wholly-owned by the Japanese government, with the aim of further increasing the flexibility of management while ensuring its strategic integrity with the government by reflecting policies into the insurance business operations.
The recent international political and economic environment surrounding Japan is changing dramatically due to many movements in the global order, which includes the U.S.-China trade friction, intensifying international competition in overseas infrastructure business development, structural changes brought about by the Forth Industrial Revolution, the tightened international banking supervision, and variations in capital flow under low interest rate environment, etc. In order to handle such changes and challenges of the current environment, we will constantly strive to develop corporate activities, provide security to Japanese companies conducting overseas transactions, and will eventually contribute to further expansion of the Japanese economy.
In April 2019, NEXI has included the four pillars of action in its medium-term business plan. The first one is to improve the quality of our service and provide security that a larger number of clients need. This pillar is in line with our universal business purpose. By quickly grasping and responding to various changes in the business environment including the above-mentioned ones, we will continue to work on offering insurance services of better quality, which meets client requirements.
The second one is to contribute to the realization of policies. Although NEXI was transformed into a stock company, our public mission of providing insurance to cover the risks that cannot be covered by private-sector insurers remains unchanged. Aside from supporting the overseas expansion of Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises and their exports of agricultural, forestry and fishery products, as well as enhancing our initiatives for utilization of investment funds to promote the government’s Export Strategy for Infrastructure Systems, we will also actively engage in giving diverse forms of business support, especially for projects that contribute to a better environment, by strengthening cooperation with other overseas export credit agencies, as well as multilateral agencies to promote such projects in the third countries.
The third one is to enhance our operating foundation for long-term stable insurance business, which allows us to provide security for our clients on a long-term basis. NEXI will seek to expand the insurance underwriting in both quantity and quality, and enhance the foundation capable of stably supporting insurance operations, by making sound judgements relating to insurance underwriting, taking appropriate risk management actions, increasing the number of employees, encouraging professional development and maintaining a solid financial position.
The forth one is to create a more attractive working environment. We will help employees to maximize their individual talent and ability to work, which should in turn allow us to vigorously move forward toward the realization of our goals.
We greatly appreciate your continued support as we work toward improving our business.
Chairman and CEO
Atsuo Kuroda