
Q.If the project is categorized as a Category C, will NEXI not further encourage project sponsors to take appropriate actions on it?


The Guidelines paragraph II. states, “If, as a result of its confirmation of environmental and social considerations, NEXI judges that the relevant project will cause adverse impacts on the environment, it encourages the project sponsors, through the Applicants, to undertake appropriate environmental and social considerations, and there may be cases where a commitment letter is not issued.” and the Guidelines paragraph IV. states, “In cases where a certain project might have any significant adverse environmental impact on the host country by lack of appropriate environmental and social considerations, NEXI will encourage the project sponsors, via the Applicants, to give such appropriate considerations.”
These attitudes do not change regardless of the classification of the project, and even in the “Category C" projects, as necessary, NEXI will encourage project sponsors through the Applicants to take appropriate actions in accordance with the above provisions.