
Q.According to the Exhibit 1 (3) of the Guidelines, “community health, safety, and security” is listed as one issue of the scope of impacts to be examined. What does NEXI confirm, in particular, regarding the use of security personnel in this respect?


In using security personnel, the Checklist stipulated “Are appropriate measures being taken to ensure that security personnel involved in the project do not violate safety of other individuals involved, or local residents?” as an item to be confirmed.
IFC Performance Standard 4 requires more specifically that the project proponents should meet appropriately the following items, and World Bank Environmental and Social Standards also require similar measures.

    1) When the client retains direct or contracted workers to provide security,
  • • Client will assess risks posed by its security arrangements to those within and outside the project site.
  • • In making such arrangements, the client will be guided by the principles of proportionality and good international practice in relation to hiring, rules of conduct, training, equipping, and monitoring of such workers, and by applicable law.
  • • Client will make reasonable inquiries to ensure that those providing security are not implicated in past abuses; will train them adequately in the use of force (and where applicable, firearms), and appropriate conduct toward workers and Affected Communities; and require them to act within the applicable law.
  • • Client will provide a grievance mechanism for Affected Communities to express concerns about the security arrangements and acts of security personnel.
    2) when the client uses government security personnel deployed to provide security services,
  • • Client will seek to ensure that security personnel will act in a manner consistent above.
  • • Client will encourage the relevant public authorities to disclose the security arrangements for the client’s facilities to the public, subject to overriding security concerns.